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new york fashion study College of Design

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

First Stop in NYC: The Row

9 am: The Row - 609 Grenwich Street

Our first stop was Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen's company: The Row. The Row is a women's luxury clothing label whose style inspiration is straight off of the streets of London on Savile Row. Savile Row is a street along which men's tailoring is renowned. Mary Kate & Ashley took their love of a tailored, minimalistic look and applied their inspiration to their apparel line.

Through the eyes of our lovely Row representatives, Bella & Nico, we were able to hear about the hustle and bustle of the company culture as well as how a retail major, like myself can work my way up the todem pole. Here are a few questions that were answered by Nico & Bella along with some great advice in progressing in the retail industry. Nico manages the marketing department, while Bella manages the press. They work together on a daily basis to continuously help The Row flourish and stand out.

What is a typical day like in your job?
-Bella: There's not! Everyday is different and a fun, fast-paced environment. There are days where she will come into work and she will have to set aside her current project and prepare for a photo shoot.

Does The Row offer internships?
-Bella: In the press department, interns will work a lot with the product. They will send samples to magazines and celebrities as a way to grow The Row's presence in the industry. They will also pull outfits for particular clients, particularly celebrities, as well as setting up & doing research in preparation for photo shoots.

-Nico: The marketing interns currently are focusing on a project to rebrand the hangers. This includes researching and comparing The Row's hangers to their main competitors while figuring out what will fiscally be the right decisions for the company. The interns will also work on building the social media and constructing invitations for Row related events.

The Row is a great, growing apparel company where you can find beatifully, simple pieces with the designers apparent style inspiration.

Go check out the The Row:
Instagram: @therow

Designers: Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen

THANKS for reading <3

[ Sydney Jacob ]

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