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new york fashion study College of Design

Friday, June 3, 2016


I was ten years old when I first visited New York, and I was visiting family with my parents. I distinctly remember being afraid by the loud noises being produced by the impatient drivers waiting for what seemed to be hours navigating through the crowds of people. I was perplexed by the subway system. Yes, I had heard about the subway and understood its purpose, but I was utterly confused and slightly intimidated by my experience with it. My parents and I stayed in at the Marriott hotel near the Brooklyn bridge. Nearly eleven years later I had met Brooklyn again challenging the perception I had formed of the city.

It had been approximately two years since I had seen my family and the first time I had visited them on my own. The ferry which was a mere four dollars was the mode of transportation that I took from Uptown to Brooklyn. Upon stepping onto the dock I was pleasantly surprised that the unwelcoming perception I had formed eleven years ago had melted right in front of my eyes. First and foremost I was captivated by Jane's Carousel which is encompassed by glass walls. When I was a child the carousel was my favorite ride so of course I was going to ride it. In addition to the majestic carousel, the first visible sight once placing a foot on the dock is the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory which is the shape of a lighthouse. Neither Jane's Carousel nor the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory were attractions that I remember when I visited my family eleven years ago.

Walking through Brooklyn by the pier, I felt that I was in Europe as cobble stones pave the streets. I would have never had known this until my family had told me, but there is a popular spot where tourists come to take pictures. At this location, there is view of the Empire State building that can be seen right through the Brooklyn Bridge. Traveling alone I would have never thought to stop and take a picture, but I'm glad I did.

Visiting Brooklyn again, I formed a new impression of the city. Unlike eleven years ago I felt safe in the city and I enjoyed that although it is close to Manhattan, Brooklyn is far more relaxed.

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