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new york fashion study College of Design

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

An Eye Opening Piece of our Past, 9/11 Memorial

The design of the memorial is beyond what words and photos can describe. It is simply best to go see it for oneself. In an effort to explain the design: the perimeter of the memorials are the exact dimensions that the buildings were. There are two of them, one where the south tower was, and one where the north tower was. The perimeters of each are granite with the names of those who died in that particular tower engraved. The inside is water cascading down into a large pool like area alongside the walls, dropping off into a deeper pool like area in the middle where the water simply disappears into the earth. It is profound, elegant and melancholic all at the same time. 


Aside from our professional appointments, something I really wanted to make time for on this trip was to go see the 9/11 Memorial. Although I didn't personally lose someone in this historic tragedy, my heart breaks every time I think about the lives that were lost and the lives of those who lost their loved ones as a result of the enormity of 9/11. I can recall the day that our country was forever changed when I sat in my desk during my 7th-grade science class, watching the towers ablaze on the cheap tv set in our classroom, while my teacher wept in his chair. 9/11 will forever remain in our hearts and continue to shake us to our core every time we reflect back on that tragic day. Having the opportunity to go stand where the towers once were, and see the beautiful, breathtaking design of the memorial was an image I will never be able to get out of my mind. The solace that was created by the sound of the water cascading down the granite combined with the silence aside from the chaos of a hectic city, created a profound and saddened feeling within me that is difficult to describe. It was interesting to reflect on the metaphorical meaning and thoughtfulness behind the design and was overall, time very well spent. I hope to go back again in the near future to tour the 9/11 museum. 


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